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Ebhubon : A multi vendor eCommerce marketplace with quykshop eCommerce solution

Developing a giant multi vendor ecommerce marketplace ebhubon was a huge challenge at the initial stage. Each of the modules was build step by step. In fact, some new feature has been introduced during development process those wasn’t preplanned.  The time was too short to complete the development process. 

how we collect multi vendor website requirement?

While we talk about launching an ecommerce website it seems to be a simple step. Before going to add product, customer order, delivery we need to have a planned e-commerce website requirement. To finalize website requirements we analyzed various eCommerce websites. Such as daraz, amazon, Shwapna etc.

We can divide ebhubon into six different modules. 

  1. admin panel
  2. seller panel
  3. web
  4. customer app
  5. seller app
  6. delivery app

In terms of the admin panel,  & seller panel we gathered functional requirements by analyzing daraz. Also, we consider a better user experience during the whole development process. While we come across developing ebhubon web interface to make it simple, intuitive, and responsive UI we explored daraz, evaly, dhamakashopping, amazon, aliexpress, and so on. 

Likewise, the customer app, seller app, & delivery app was built with the analysis gist of daraz, dhamakashopping, and, evaly. Although there is a bit change at UI and other stuff.

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Tools & Technology we used

  1. Node.js
  2. Nest.js
  3. Next.js
  4. React native
  5. MySql
  6. Redis
  7. Typeom
  8. Typescript
  9. Socket.io





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